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Thinking about growing a fig tree? You’ve come to the right place. I'm Ross the "Fig Boss," and growing fig trees has been my passion since 2014.
Figs are among the best-tasting fruits you can grow right in your backyard. Trust me, I've tasted and grown them all, but don't just take my word for it. Many cultures have loved and fought over them for 1000s of years. Growing fig trees also has numerous other personal benefits that nurture a connection to nature, provide insights into personal growth, and offer continuous learning opportunities.
There's no better gift than to give the gift of the fig tree. It's like the saying, give a man a fish, or better yet, teach him to fish. I planted a fig tree for my neighbor, Gina. See how she's enjoying her fig tree!
Q: I see that your listings are sold-out. When do you sell fig cuttings and trees?
A: Cuttings are sold starting in late November through January. Trees are sold starting in as early as April through November. Larger trees (3 & 5 gallon sizes), dormant trees, and bare-rooted trees are sold in November.
Q: Do all fig varieties taste the same?
A: No, not all fig varieties taste the same. Does a Gala apple taste the same as a Granny Smith apple? Like apples and every other fruit, each fig variety has different flavors and textures.
Some figs are sweeter and juicier, while others are more acidic and taste like berries. Others taste like honey straight from the jar while some have the texture of jam, meat, or even cake! Yes, you read that right.
Q: Why do some fig varieties have different flavors, textures, shapes, colors, and sizes?
A: Fig varieties have different shapes, colors, and sizes because of their genetics. Just like us, our characteristics are largely determined by our genetics given to us by our parents.
We are also evolving, mutating, and changing constantly! Even if you can't see it, plants and fig trees are no different. They have evolved to adapt to different climates and conditions.
Take the Panache fig aka the Tiger fig for example. It's got stripes! This is what's called a rimada fig, which occurred from a chimera mutation. A single branch of a fig tree mutated and started to display different growing characteristics, variegated wood, and variegated figs.
Q: How big do fig trees get?
A: In the perfect scenario, fig trees can grow up to 40-70 feet. They can grow to be quite large and they typically grow quickly, but their size can be easily controlled through proper pruning. I recommend reading my detailed article on pruning and training. That way your fig tree can be maintained easily at 6-12 ft tall and wide.
Q: Are fig trees better in pots or ground?
A: Both methods have their pros and cons. Potted fig trees can be easier to manage in terms of size, as the pot restricts the root growth which, in turn, controls the size of the tree. Moreover, pots allow for greater control over soil conditions and make it easier to move the tree indoors during colder months in temperate climates. However, fig trees in the ground can become larger and more productive, given they have more space to grow and access to nutrients. This decision largely depends on your available space, climate, and personal preference.
Q: What not to plant with fig trees?
A: Fig trees have a wide, shallow root system that competes for nutrients and water. Therefore, it's generally best to avoid planting other trees or large shrubs nearby that would compete for the same resources. Remove any other competition like weeds and grasses where possible.
Q: Do you need two fig trees to get fruit?
A: No, you do not need two fig trees to get fruit. Fig trees are self-fertile, meaning they can produce fruit on their own without needing another tree for pollination. However, certain fig varieties that are classified as San Pedro or Symrna, can benefit from a specific wasp species for pollination.
Q: Can you grow a fig tree indoors?
A: Yes, fig trees can be grown indoors, providing fresh fruit and ornamental beauty to your home, but if given the option, don’t be afraid to move your fig tree outdoors for the spring, summer & fall.
Fig trees do require adequate sunlight, water, and proper care to thrive indoors. Miss any one of these crucial pieces to the puzzle and your tree will struggle or die like any other houseplant.
Q: How long for a fig tree to bear fruit?
A: Fig trees can bear their first fruits in only 6 months. The exact timing depends on the variety, conditions, and location. In their first year when your fig tree is grown from cutting, it’s likely that your tree will ripen its first fruits during that first growing season.
In terms of full fruit production, fig trees typically start bearing heavily within 3-5 years of planting.
Choosing the Right Variety
To help you choose the right fig variety for you, feel free to contact me with your location, growing zone, annual rainfall, and if you'll be planting it in the ground or a larger pot.
Generally, you want hardy varieties when growing in colder zones (5-7).
Related: Cold-Tolerant Fig Trees | A Hardy Fig Tree starts with the Variety
Varieties that perform well in humidity in humid climates.
Related: The Best Fig Varieties for Humid Climates: The Northeastern & Southern US
Early varieties in mild summer locations like the UK or PNW.
Related: Early Ripening Fig Varieties
Related: Breba Figs: A Fig Tree's First Crop and the Varieties That Produce Them
And the tastiest varieties in dry and long-season climates.
Related: The Best Tasting Fig Varieties
Or shop based on the flavor profiles. Try honey figs, berry figs, and sugar figs.
Related: What Do Figs Taste Like? The Different Types of Fig Trees & Their Flavor Profiles
Buying Fig Cuttings
When purchasing 1 order of the variety you choose, you are committing to buying 1 set of 3 cuttings. Please contact me prior to ordering with any questions regarding any differences in size, caliper, and lignification.
I sell 1500 cuttings each year, it's not practical to offer 1 or 2 cuttings from a particular variety. No exceptions.
Receiving 3 cuttings per set should provide ample opportunity to at least successfully root at least 1 tree.
95% of the cuttings will be 12 inches or more in length and can be cut in half for potentially double the amount of trees or a total of 6 cuttings. That's 36+ inches of wood per set of fig cuttings.
The photo of the cuttings in the listing is an example of what you will receive from this particular variety and is not the actual set of cuttings you will receive. Please contact me prior to ordering with any questions regarding any differences in size, caliper, and lignification. The varieties' genetics and my location are the main determining factors for those differences. See below for more examples of what your cuttings could look like.
I want to stress that the majority of the cuttings are from very healthy in-ground trees. This creates a lot of advantages when trying to establish your own tree. Cuttings from the suckers of trees that are planted in the ground have higher amounts of carbohydrates stored within them and they rarely display symptoms of Fig Mosaic Virus (FMV) due to a technique that I perform annually called rejuvenation pruning. However, FMV still resides within all of my trees. It's in all fig trees unless they are lab-grown.
Shipping Information
All orders will be shipped via UPS Ground. $10 for each order.
I will ship to anywhere in the US on Mondays.
Tracking will automatically be sent to your email address.
For orders to Canada or Europe, please contact me prior to ordering.
If you have a special request, contact me so that I can determine if an accommodation can be made.
Fig Cutting Guarantee & Delivery Issues
My goal is to ship your order accurately and for it to arrive in good condition. If there's a delivery issue, please inform me with photos right away. I'll make it right.
Frequently, fig trees are mislabeled by big nurseries. It's frankly irresponsible. They either don't know what variety they're growing or they made a mistake. In the rare event that I make a mistake, contact me with photos of the tree's ripe fruits cut in half. I guarantee that your fig tree is labeled correctly.
I also guarantee that the fig cuttings you receive will be those that I'd be delighted to receive myself. I am committed to offering only the most healthy, sizable, and from the most well-established fig trees from my collection.
Don't hesitate to try your hand at rooting fig cuttings. They're quite literally one of the easiest species of fruits to successfully propagate from cutting. You could even stick them right in the ground. If you have any questions, again, don't hesitate to ask.
Handling, Storage, & Rooting Instructions
The cuttings will arrive in two layers of plastic that are partially sealed to allow for optimal storage. They can be stored this way in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator for up to a year. However, I would use them as soon as you can to ensure that they are as fresh as possible.
Before use or storage, consider lightly scrubbing the cuttings with water or soaking them in a 10% bleach solution. Let them air dry before rooting or storing. Keep in mind, I cannot clean 1500 cuttings nor do I clean mine or others prior to personal use.
However, this will remove any pathogens, overwintering pests like scale, and cosmetic debry. After taking cuttings, fig trees leak a white sap. If the sap is left to dry on the cuttings, it may dry into a black color with an oily appearance. This is not mold. It's purely cosmetic and can be scrubbed off if you desire.
Additionally, white mold sometimes can be found on the surface of the leaf scars (where the leaf was attached to the branch). I do my best to remove any leftover leaf material, but some inevitably remain behind. Scrub lightly at these locations to remove any leftover leaf material and remove any small figs.
Rooting Instructions: A Hybrid of the Fig Pop and Direct Potting Methods - My Preferred Method
First, prepare the cuttings just as we would in the two-parent methods. Wrap them in parafilm by stretching and wrapping the parafilm around any portions of the cutting above the soil line. This helps retain moisture and protect the cutting. Make a new cut on the bottom close to the bottom node and score the bottom of the cutting exposing the cambium and hardwood, promoting callus formation and root development. Optionally, you can apply a rooting hormone like Clonex to encourage root development.
The next step involves planting the cutting in a one-gallon treepot, typically a four-inch by nine-inch pot, but a more traditional 6-7-inch container will work well also. Place a label with the cutting's details on a vinyl blind tag and insert it into the pot.
Then, place the pot inside a produce bag, which helps trap humidity and maintain the ideal soil moisture like the Fig Pop method would. Secure the bag with a rubber band, ensuring a tight seal around the top of the cutting and that 1 or 2 nodes are above the bag.
With this hybrid method, the right soil moisture and humidity are maintained, and the need for transplanting is eliminated. This simplifies the overall process and increases the likelihood of successful rooting. Keep the cuttings in a greenhouse or suitable environment with a consistent temperature, and avoid watering them for an extended period.
Related: Growing Figs from Cuttings: How to Master the Art of Rooting Fig Cuttings
Shipping Information
If you're new to receiving plants in the mail, there's nothing to fear. They can be shipped safely and quickly and resume growing at their new location in short time. Thursday is my shipment day. If you need me to hold your tree for whatever reason, please contact me. A tracking number will be provided after payment.
Shipping with UPS:
I ship all orders with UPS Ground and do not allow a local pickup option. UPS offers better rates than the post office for larger and heavier packages with shorter shipment times. Please note: I cannot ship to a PO Boxes and I will only ship to US addresses.
Postage is $20 for 1 tree and an additional $10 for each tree thereafter.
Upon arrival, it's best to acclimate your tree to your new environment slowly. This means, putting it into the shade and watering the soil with warm water upon arrival. It's important to avoid the potential of sunburn.
Related: Sunburn on Fig Leaves | Identifying & Preventing Crispy Fig Tree Leaves
Your sunlight intensity or duration and humidity levels might be higher and lower respectively than mine. Therefore, it's important to harden off your fig trees appropriately if you're in the desert or considerably further South of Philadelphia where the sun is more intense.
After hardening your new tree, I recommend repotting your fig tree into a 2 or 3-gallon-sized pot instead of planting it in your yard straight away. After only two months of strong growth in a larger pot, your fig tree should be ready for planting.
Related: The BEST TIPS for Repotting Fig Trees | Planting a Fig Tree in a Pot for Success
In colder growing zones (5-7), I recommend planting fig trees in the spring.
In Philadelphia where I am located, I exclusively plant fig trees in May or June.
Therefore, it's best to keep your young fig tree in a 3 to 5-gallon pot for an entire growing season.
Plant it outside after the last frost next spring.
With irrigation and a thick mulch covering, you can plant fig trees at any point of the growing season in warmer growing zones (8+). However, the best time to plant is when temperatures are mild. That's typically in the spring, fall, or winter.
Related: Planting a Fig Tree in the Garden | How to Plant a Fig Tree
Plant Guarantee & Delivery Issues
My goal is to ship your order accurately and for it to arrive in good condition. If there's a delivery issue, please inform me with photos right away. I'll make it right.
To ensure a successful transition from my yard to yours, follow the handling & growing instructions to the letter. If you're still having an issue with your tree, send me photos and I will help diagnose the problem.
Frequently, fig trees are labeled incorrectly from big nurseries. It's frankly irresponsible. They either don't know what variety they're growing or they made a mistake. In the rare event that I make a mistake, contact me with photos of the tree's ripe fruits cut in half. I guarantee that your fig tree is labeled correctly.
I also guarantee that the fig tree you receive will be one that I'd be delighted to own myself. I am committed to offering only the most healthy, sizable, and well-established fig trees from my collection.
If you have a special request, contact me so that I can determine if an accommodation can be made.