Calderona Fig - Better than Black Madeira
Calderona is a fig variety from Pons' collection in Spain. I believe it was named that because its shape is similar to a small cooking pot. I was very surprised to learn that the flavor is better than Black Madeira and it should be better tasting at a higher consistency. I like the way this fig hangs when ripening on the tree. You can see that below. The neck is not stiff like Black Madeira and the skin is much thinner and softer allowing it to bend at the neck and prevent the eye from being pointed towards the sky while ripening. Therefore, it should split a lot less than Black Madeira and ripen at a higher quality more consistently in humid climates. Rather than only enjoying 5% of my Black Madeira crop every year, I should enjoy much more. It's productive, of a good size and among the very best tasting. Super complex and strong berry flavor. Like a cross between Black Madeira and an Adriatic fig.
There is another fig in Pons' collection called Calderona de Miner. This is very similar to Calderona. Think of them as Hardy Chicago types that show slightly different characteristics and therefore are different varieties. Reading about the de Miner version, I think it's likely that it will be even better in humid climates. Only time will tell. I posted photos of the leaves below for reference. Both can put out single lobed leaves I've noted.
Calderona de Miner: