The Best Fig Varieties for Humid Climates: The Northeast, Midwest & South
Updated: Nov 14, 2024
I covered this blog post in video format. Check that out below:
Growing figs can be a “fruitful” endeavor, but only if you select the right varieties for your climate. After expensive and time-consuming trials of hundreds of fig varieties in the Philadelphia area, I've observed the characteristics that enable a fig to thrive in humid conditions. There are 1000s of fig varieties, and only 1% of them produce high-quality fruit consistently in rainy climates.
And that’s exactly what this article is about, fig varieties suited for humid climates and the reasons why.
Remember, part of the secret lies in their genetics – much like us, each fig variety comes with genetic traits that determine a whole host of characteristics. For example, their genetics largely determine their flavor, texture, size, shape, productivity, suitability to a particular environment, and much more.
However, genetics are not everything. The environmental growing conditions of your fig tree also play a large part in achieving consistent fruit quality.
Understanding the Impact of Climate on Figs
The current weather conditions are critical during a fig’s final ripening stage. For example, high humidity or rain can negatively impact the fig's quality and taste, reducing sweetness and shelf-life while increasing the risk of fermentation and mold. In dry climates, figs lose water through evaporation and concentrate their flavors.
“So how do I know if this list applies to me? Am I in a dry climate or a humid climate?”
Let me do you one better. Fig varieties can be broadly classified based on which climate they have advantages growing in. Generally, all fig varieties ripen higher-quality fruit in dry and hot weather.
Humid Climates: Requires varieties that can handle moisture or avoid moisture without losing quality. Check your location's annual rainfall (over 25 inches per year, with 2.5-3 inches of rain each month during the summer and fall).
Hot Climates: Favors figs that can endure intense heat. Ambient temperatures consistently over 95F while figs ripen on the tree can cause some varieties to spoil easily.
Cold Climates: Best for hardy figs that can withstand lower temperatures. In zone 6B, protection is required; in zone 7A, you can plant hardy varieties without protection. In 7B, most fig varieties don’t require winter protection.
Short Season Climates: Suitable for figs that ripen quickly within a limited growing season. A minimum of 120 frost-free days is necessary for the breba crop to ripen reliably or 150 frost-free days for the main crop.
Let’s use my climate in Philadelphia as an example.
It's cold during the winter (zone 7A), and humid during the summer (40 inches of annual rainfall) with a six-month frost-free growing season. Therefore, to achieve the best fruit quality, eating experience, and performance, I should grow fig varieties that can thrive under those three constraints.
Geographic Clues:
Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic U.S.: These regions require humid climate varieties.
Southern U.S. and Parts of the Midwest: Extending westward from the mid-Atlantic to areas within Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and West Texas, growers should focus on varieties suitable for humid climates.
The West Coast: Portions of Washington, Oregon, California, and Idaho may also fall into this category.
Similar Rules Apply to Europe: Countries like the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Northern Italy often experience the required 2.5-3 inches of rain monthly during the fig growing season.
Now onto the characteristics we should be looking for.
Decoding Fig Varieties for Humid Climates
As a professional outside of educating the masses on fig trees, I believe in professional responsibility and ethics. For me, it's about demonstrating and delivering reasoning with ethical consideration. If someone can't tell you the "why" behind their position, I'm not sure that's someone you can trust.
In recent years, my research has shifted to focus on two pivotal traits in fig varieties:
1. Hang Time or the "Susceptibility Window"
What is the hang time? This term refers to the duration a fig takes from the onset of ripening in its final ripening stage to full maturity. Simply put, how quickly does it ripen on the tree?
When a fig starts to enter its final ripening stage, it turns from green, hard, and almost indestructible to soft, edible, the sugars increase, and the colors change. Once it softens, the fig is susceptible to damage until we remove it from the tree. This window is where rain, pests, and critters can ruin our harvest, which I've dubbed the "susceptibility window."
A prolonged window coupled with rain can cause water absorption into a fig's skin causing sugar dilution, spoilage, fermentation, and mold. A short hang time or window allows us to harvest our figs before damaging rains at a higher and consistent fruit quality, which tastes better.
The warmer it is, the shorter the hang time will be. Regardless of the temperature, some fig varieties ripen quicker or longer than others based on their genetics.
2. Tolerance to Underripeness
The beauty of a short hang time allows growers to harvest before damaging rain events.
I’ve always advocated for allowing figs to hang longer to develop and intensify their flavors. In contrast, commercially harvested figs are picked only at 50-60% of their potential ripeness. This is the homegrown advantage. A fig's amazing eating experience is rarely found at the grocery store or a farmer’s market.
That being said, if we’re forced to harvest early, some fig varieties when picked underripe can taste pleasant, especially, during the fall when the hang time slows significantly.
For a full list of fig varieties that taste great underripe, click here.
Other Varietal Traits:
I understand that the average home grower isn't going to harvest their figs before it rains. Therefore, traits like these are critical for withstanding the rain, bugs, and the outside elements trying to mold, spoil, or ferment your fruit:
A closed eye.
No splitting.
Minimal to no cracking.
A slender shape.
The ability to dry on the tree.
Feel free to read about all of the criteria in more detail, here:
Keep in mind, the overall eating experience is a major factor in my recommendations. Not just a variety's performance in humid conditions. However, I’ve said many times before that the best-tasting fig is the one that ripens consistently at the highest quality. Therefore, the fig that performs the best, you’ll end up enjoying the most.
I would also highly recommend reading prior lists that I've put together.
And lastly a list of the best tasting figs. These varieties are more suited for those of you in dry/hot places because performance is less of a concern. That blog post can be found here:
Finally, let's begin with my recommendations starting with the early ripening fig varieties.
More Specifically Black Celeste.
Celeste is nearly indestructible. Light rain does not phase it. The skin is like a waterproof jacket. Meaning, the skin has an incredible ability to repel water rather than absorb it. The hang time is also short, the figs are small, they rarely split because of their perfect shape, and they dry easily on the tree. You could not dream of a better fig variety for humid areas.
It is the standard fig variety for humid climates. It’s no wonder that LSU used Celeste in their breeding program. It’s a parent of just about every fig they've released.
Black Celeste
Similar to Hardy Chicago, (the next variety I'll be discussing), Celeste is so widespread worldwide that it has acquired many names. This has led to a confusing amount of synonyms for essentially the same fig. This is why I and other serious fig growers have put in the work to categorize them under a common name. To give you an idea, White Adriatic has at least 25 synonyms and Hardy Chicago has over 100.
Some of these synonyms might share the same genetic code. However, it's not rare to spot their differences due to epigenetic changes. Larger differences may be observed from genetic mutations, which are branches or single buds on a fig tree with a different genetic code.
Related: The Many Strains of Celeste
Black Celeste is the perfect example of a mutation. The skin color, pulp color, and flavor all have changed drastically. Along with other less-noticeable performance-related characteristics. Truthfully, I sometimes can't believe something like this exists. After eating many Black Celeste and Celeste figs, I am convinced Black Celeste is the best-tasting Celeste fig you can eat. The berry flavor is more intense on this strain of Celeste than any other similar to a blueberry or blackberry minus the acidity.
Black Celeste also has an elegant component to its eating experience that I can't quite put my finger on. It's like you can taste its antioxidants and flavonoids with eat bite.
Dare I say, it's more elegant than 99% of the berry figs I’ve eaten.
If I could only grow one Celeste fig, it would be Black Celeste, but for serious collectors, I would argue Black Celeste is different enough than the others to warrant growing another strain alongside it. Personally, I always will.
Hardy Chicago
More Specifically Azores Dark, Norella, Savanac Noire, & San Donato di Ninea.
Just like with Celeste figs, not all Hardy Chicago figs are the same—the source really matters. I’ve tasted Hardy Chicago figs from large, mature trees in Philadelphia and Jersey, picked at peak ripeness, and they still didn’t compare to the best Hardy Chicago figs you can grow yourself. This shows that anyone who thinks Hardy Chicago figs aren’t flavorful may not have tried them from the right source.
Read a comprehensive variety review of Hardy Chicago here.
Azores Dark
Azores Dark has been my favorite Hardy Chicago fig for years. Originally, I received this tree from a grower in Hamilton, NJ who got it from Dominick Romano in NY. After speaking with Dom, Sao Miguel Roxo should be the same fig as Azores Dark. I’m in the process of confirming that. In the meantime, I’ll be keeping the original name that this tree was given, Azores Dark.
Azores Dark has a Concord grape flavor, earthiness, and dried fruit flavor when shriveled. The texture is also something of note. It’s a thicker jam consistency. My favorite texture.
Norella & Savanac Noire
Norella & Savanac Noire has a thick and jammy texture similar to Azores Dark, but it’s larger and has a different flavor. From afar or at first glance, Norella sometimes even resembles Italian 258. I cut them open and can’t believe how great they look.
In the past, I’ve given Malta Black, Conde, and Sicilian Dark a lot of credit. These are also known as Hardy Chicago figs. However, I’ve yet to prove that they can compete with others in terms of my fig-eating preferences. Mostly due to either lack of experience or the fact that they were planted in a much drier location leading to a huge difference in flavor. The drier the soil, typically, the better and more interesting the flavors our figs produce will be.
San Donato di Ninea
San Donato di Ninea, named after the town in Italy its origin can be traced back to, is more intensely flavored and dries better on the tree.
Some others worth mentioning: St. Rita, Red Lebanese (Bekaa Valley), Hardy Hoboken, Crozes, Barran, Carvalho, Takoma Violet, Kesariani, Syrian Dark, Navid's Unk Dark Greek, & Dark Greek (Marius).
Campaniere is a fig variety introduced by Thierry of Figues Du Monde. An exceptional find outside of Paris that has a short hang time, it’s exceptionally hardy, and ripens early. Campaniere figs dry easily. In only 4 days, they are shriveled on the tree, and in about 8 days, they're completely dried. When shriveled, the berry flavor becomes intense retaining a brightness with minerality and earthiness.
Campaniere can split after a lot of rain, but that is its only downfall. When planted and established in the ground I've noted that splitting almost never occurred.
In 2022 & 2023, Campaniere produced the best-tasting figs of any tree in my yard.
In 2024, Campaniere and Teramo consistently produced the highest quality figs the most consistently. Based on this argument alone, these two would be the best figs on this list. However, I am confident that after reaching maturity planted in the soil, more varieties on this list will rival the same consistent quality.

In 2022, Campaniere produced a few figs with a red strip down the side shown in the image above. Similar to Coll de Dama Mutante and Sementino Rosso. The stripes are displayed as they ripen and don’t fade like a striped Rimada fig. I’m sure this mutation can randomly occur. Thierry has shown this on his blog years ago.
You can read more about Campaniere here.
Found by Bill Lauris in Maryland, Teramo has become one of my best performers. In 2024, Campaniere and Teramo consistently produced the highest quality figs the most consistently.
It's synonymous with Nebo, Brandon St. Unk, & Brown Sugar Crunch. Most collectors would agree that these are not the most flavorful figs.
When growing them in pots, I said the same thing for years. Considering Teramo's history in Maryland, I decided to plant it in an area of my yard designated for a hardiness experiment. I chose this location because it's away from the house and the soil is very dry.
I figured the dry soil would help slow down the growth and lignify the branches. It turned out that Teramo transformed. The pulp became red, acidic, and even with notes of cherries. Teramo not only tastes incredible but also dries completely on the tree at the same rate as Campaniere.
Like all of the figs thus far, Teramo is early, hardy, and rain-resistant, but a huge advantage over the others is its breba crop. They're not very numerous, but are equivalent to the main crop and ripen 30 days earlier.
Little Ruby is a seedling of Hardy Chicago bred by Denny McGaughy that has exceptional hardiness, earliness, and reliability in humid climates. It also produces a light breba crop. The hang time is very short and was the sole variety to ripen high-quality fruit shortly after Hurricane Ida in 2022. Others took weeks to recover in this regard.
After an exceptional showing from Little Ruby in 2022, I decided to add it to this list. After many seasons evaluating it, I've learned that the fig is way better than I originally thought. Truthfully, hobbyist collectors give this variety no credit because it doesn't have a spectacular name, the figs are small, and I've heard they're "average" tasting.
In humid climates, smaller figs are a good thing. On average, they have better flavor because they contain less water that needs to evaporate.
The flavor is impressive too. They're like dried fruit sugar bombs. It’s the closest fig to a dried fig on this list for all dried fig lovers.
You can read more about Little Ruby here.
LSU Tiger
In 2022, I also added LSU Tiger to this list. It’s a child of Celeste bred by the LSU breeding program. In my opinion, LSU Tiger is the best fig produced by that program. I don't believe they "improved Celeste," but It’s a clear improvement in terms of size. It can be 2 times larger than Celeste.
Its texture is another clear improvement. The skin becomes leathery when shriveled on the tree (6-7 day hang time). Its skin is its best trait, one of the components of the best fig-eating experience possible. The flavor is similar to other fruity berry figs on this list--Concord grape when perfectly ripe.
In 2022, I noted considerably less splitting (actually none), very little cracking if any, and pretty much the perfect fig every time. However, 2024 was not a great year for Tiger. The harvest ripened all at once. There was high fruit fly pressure at that time from a neighboring tree.
Read more about LSU Tiger here.
Also known as Figo Moro da Caneva, Nerino, Szivarski, and Fico Secco. Hence the name, this variety originates in Caneva Italy, and is grown commercially there. Near the Dolomites, Northern Italy has a similar climate to the Northeastern United States, which I believe has helped it adapt to rain and cold.
Standout traits:
High productive yield over a long period
Higher than average cold hardiness
A plentiful breba crop comparable to its main crop in quality
Ripens main crop figs alongside the earliest varieties like Ronde de Bordeaux or Florea
A great commercial variety
Consistent high-quality eating experience due to its short hang time and great flavor even when picked underripe
Its elongated shape and long stem length enable the eye to be pointed downwards protected from water absorption.
In 2022, this variety produced more figs than any other and in 2023, it kept ripening figs when almost all others have stopped. In 2024, it along with Green Michurinska produced figs for 4 months out of 6 frost-free months in Philadelphia.
Caneva is my favorite if you have to harvest early. You can cut them open and place them in the fridge. They intensify and become seriously good.
From the island of Elba in Italy is a hardy, breba-producing, small fruit-sized, dwarf-sized, and reliable black fig called Nerucciolo. As I said many times before in videos and on this blog it's even better on the drying capability scale than Verdino del Nord leading to a consistent flavor-concentrated fig-eating experience.
Like Black Celeste, the interior color is often dark purple or black with a complex blueberry berry flavor similar to VdB or Black Celeste that does not disappoint. The figs are strikingly beautiful.
The skin of this variety is slightly bitter with an added coffee or chocolate note. Nerucciolo reminds me of a very dark roasted cup of coffee combined with blueberries and dried figs. LSU Purple, Moro de Caneva, Ronde de Bordeaux, Silin Dubh, Sweet Joy, White Marseilles, Pernette Noir, and many others have a similar bitterness to their skin.
In the fall when temperatures are cooler and the sugar content of figs is lower, the bitterness can overpower Nerucciolo’s sweetness. Acidity, bitterness, and sweetness need to be in balance. If one dominates the other two, that can be a turnoff for most palates. Especially during cold fall weather, but most of the crop ripens early enough to avoid this phenomenon, and in warmer climates than mine, you may not even recognize this about Nerucciolo.
In 2024, the figs from my established tree planted in the soil were especially good. The breba crop was plentiful and consistently comparable to the main, and the main crop was some of the tastiest figs all year. Regarding flavor, Elba certainly is among the most complex and elegant.
In 2023, I met Francesco Omezzolli, the man who named Nerino and Verdolino. Well ahead of his time, he was a modern-day Gallesio learning about special varieties of fruits and nuts in Italy. Verdolino is a popular local fig variety around the Lake Garda area. Interestingly, there is a theory of Mattia Omezzolli who believes that a very small number of seeds from unpollinated figs can germinate. Sergio Carlni, another well-respected fig enthusiast in Italy calls this parthenogenesis. A theory of his that he proposed to the University of Pisa.
Read more about my trip, here.
Before visiting the region in 2023, my first instinct was that the fig wasp must be present in this area. Even in low numbers. There’s a Hungarian paper demonstrating that the fig wasp can survive temperatures of 12-14F. However, it’s apparent that on my visit the fig wasp was not present. There’s also the matter of Fico Salame and other named Verdolino-type figs.
Yes, you read that right, there are many named Verdolino figs like the Celeste and Hardy Chicago strains we talked about. One of which I have firsthand experience with is called Fico Salame. Comparing them side by side this year, they had the same flavor profile, but Salame is noticeably larger with a different shape and an entirely different leaf pattern. Could this simply be a mutation like I mentioned in the Black Celeste section or are Mattia and Sergio onto something?
Nonetheless, the Verdolino type of figs is without a doubt the best you can grow in humid, cold, and short-season climates. It's one of the most rain-resistant varieties on this list. It has a short hang time and superior drying capabilities. You’ll get an impressive fig almost every time. It’s also exceptionally hardy, and early, and Verdolino produces a reliable breba. The shape is long and slender and the stem length is similar to Moro de Caneva.
In 2021, I compared the eating experience to the Coll de Damas. It’s exceptional. In 2023, Verdolino was one of the few to still taste great even after a long rainy period. In 2024, I realized that the drier the soil is, the better these figs will taste. Similar to Teramo, it's quite an improvement.
Hative d'Argenteuil
Hative d'Argenteuil is a fig variety that the USDA imported. As the name suggests, it’s likely from the Argenteuil region of France. However, I have never heard of or seen photos of a single Hative tree growing in France. I would argue it’s more popular in the United States than it is in France.
Despite a somewhat unclear history and origin, Hative d'Argenteuil has garnered significant praise over the years. Initially, I learned about Hative from a fellow and well-respected fig enthusiast, Dennis Johnson many years ago on the Figs4Fun forum.
After gladly growing it and many years of evaluating it, I would consider Hative d'Argenteuil to be highly productive, vigorous, and reliable. Additionally, Hative d'Argenteuil stands out for its skin quality, which helps it resist water absorption, reducing the likelihood of lower fruit quality from a lowered brix, cracking, or splitting. This trait, shared with other varieties like Smith and Celeste, makes them particularly great at withstanding rainy conditions. To boot, Hative has a shorter-than-average hang time and tastes great even when harvested underripe.
The figs of Hative d'Argenteuil ripen mid-season (at the same time as Smith & Hardy Chicago on August 15th), and its skin can change color from yellow/green to grayish blue as the season progresses. It’s one of the most visually striking fig varieties I have grown.
Flavor-wise, Hative d'Argenteuil is distinguished by its distinct cherry flavor, setting it apart from other varieties in this article. Like Smith and the Coll de Damas, Hative also expresses a cakey texture when ripening under favorable conditions. Its eating quality is a clear notch above most figs and in my opinion, is among the best-tasting figs you can grow just about anywhere.
Adriatic or White Adriatic
More Specifically Proscuitto, White Madeira #1, & Green Michurinska.
The Adriatic figs have a long history of cultivation. In 2024, I realized exactly how important they are. There are at least 25 different names for this variety. Growing at least one of them is a must, but I could argue growing at least 3-4 of them alongside each other has advantages.
For example:
Green Michurinska produces a heavy breba crop and also ripens its main crop at least 2-3 weeks earlier than all others.
Proscuitto in the past has produced the heaviest breba crop. I don't know if that will continue. Generally, all of the named Adriatic figs should produce a light breba crop in favorable years.
White Madeira #1 is the clear winner when it comes to the eating experience. It's far different than the rest.
Lastly, one more would be worth growing considering its eating experience is significantly different than White Madeira & Green Michurinska. Perhaps that could be Proscuitto.
Understanding the Adriatic Figs
Adriatic figs, originally known as White Adriatic in California or Verdino in Italy, have been a cornerstone of commercial fig cultivation. They are recognized by their green skin and rich red pulp, offering flavors reminiscent of strawberries and raspberries. However, the appearance alone doesn't confirm a genuine Adriatic fig, as variations exist due to epigenetic shifts and mutations.
Can be harvested 60% ripe and still have an exceptional eating experience
Good for commercial production
Slightly shorter than average hang time
Superior drying capabilities--doesn't spoil
Top-tier eating experience and berry flavor
Ripens earlier than most late-ripening varieties (September 1st in Philadelphia)
Strong rain resistance from its skin--can split during periods of high rainfall
Tastes great well into the fall when other varieties struggle
Green Michurinska
Green Michurinska, a Bulgarian fig variety introduced by a collector named PenandPike, alongside another variety called Vagabond (also mentioned below). Initially introduced to U.S. growers as an earlier-ripening Adriatic fig, which typically ripens late in the season, posing a challenge for growers in colder or shorter-season climates. This variety promised to offer the exceptional eating experience of the Adriatic figs but at an earlier ripening date.
Green Michurinska has proven to be exactly that. In 2023, it ripened alongside other early fig varieties and produced two distinct crops following the River's pruning technique, which boosts fruit production and allows for better timing of your second main crop.
Read more about the Adriatic figs here.
Risoulet is another Figues du Monde introduction. I am very happy to have acquired it, but it hasn’t been all peaches and cream. Originally, this variety was quite unhealthy, it dropped its fruits and struggled with a severe case of FMV. Since, I’ve solved the issue by planting it in the ground, rejuvenation pruning it and now it’s on its way to being an established healthy tree.
In 2022, the figs were exceptionally early and ripened with a quick 2-3 day hang time. That's about as short as it gets. It also easily dries and shrivels on the tree. The skin prevented rain damage from quite a bit of rain that I received in 2022 while some of these figs were ripening. Another positive note for this variety.
In terms of flavor, the fig reminds me of a Black Mission that meets Coll de Dama. Very thick jammy pulp but in a Black Mission-styled package. I hope to be able to report more on this variety in 2024.

Rossellino is a local Italian fig variety popular in Tuscany that is known for drying. It’s customary in this region to dry Rossellino for winter storage.
Rossellino has one of the nicest berry flavors you'll find in a fig when grown in a humid climate. It's very fruity. Like a fruit-forward wine that ages well.
When semi-dried the variety turns into fig candy and is ridiculously sweet, exploding with flavor, and is very hard to beat. It makes for an exceptional dried fruit.
Read more about Rossellino here.
Smith, Cessac & Texas BA-1
These three varieties are very similar. Possibly identical. So far, Texas BA-1 has proven to be hardy to at least zone 7B.
Smith is believed to have originated from Croatia, then traveled to France before being introduced to the United States by the Becnel family of Becnel Nursery. Over the years, they have been the main reason for Smith's immense popularity in the southern United States, comparable to well-known varieties like Celeste and Brown Turkey. However, Smith is far superior in eating quality, its strong, acidic, and exquisite berry flavor distinguishes it from most other fig varieties.
Smith is also known for its adaptability to various climates, particularly excelling in humid and short-season environments. It's highly resistant to rain, less prone to splitting despite its flat shape, and ripens early enough (August 15th in Philadelphia) to avoid most of the rainy fall weather. Despite its many strengths, Smith has a noted limitation in hardiness, struggling with temperatures around 10-15°F. However, after experiencing the impressive hardiness of my Texas BA-1 tree, (to at least 5F or zone 7B) I believe Smith does not lack in hardiness as much as we once thought. Hopefully, I’ll have promising results with my Smith tree in the winter of 2024-2025.
One of the other challenges with Smith is some growers report inconsistent production. Others report higher-than-average productivity. So which is it? With proper cultivation techniques, including managing the tree's canopy for better light penetration, Smith can produce fruit prolifically. As an erect grower, Smith requires intervention to change the angle of the scaffolds to prevent self-shading, which is often the cause of limited production.
This variety also doesn’t respond well to hard pruning. Protect in the winter and limit pruning of the apical and lateral buds and your tree will be in the right hormonal balance for reliable fruiting—a topic I frequently cover in all of my pruning lessons.
Addressing these aspects can lead to a fig on every node and a significant increase in overall yield.
Read more about Smith and Texas BA-1 here.
Vagabond is another introduction by Bulgarian grower PenandPike. He was also the one who introduced Green Michurinska. Shout out to Pen, he has an impressive eye for high-quality fruits.
The exterior of Vagabond is aesthetically striking, with an oval shape and flat bottom, short neck, and stem, with a distinctive blue skin that has a beautiful bloom you’ll frequently find on grapes. Interestingly, Vagabond has a strong grape & raspberry-like flavor. Vagabond starts fruiting around the middle of the season and the interior is also visually striking with a beautiful interior resembling the dark purple/black pulp color of Black Celeste.
Vagabond has excellent drying capabilities and is resilient against common fig issues like cracking and splitting, even during rainy periods, likely due to its skin properties that prevent water absorption. The hang time is shorter than average.
Read more about Vagabond here.
Verdino del Nord (VR)
There is a lot of confusion surrounding this variety's name. It shares its name with another variety. Let me clear that up:
Verdino del Nord (VR) is also known as Figoin, Verdino del Nord, Zigalino, Secalino, Verdal, Verdal (Ibiza), and many others.
Verdino, Verdino (Toscano), Adriatic, or White Adriatic. This variety has over 25 names. Adding to the confusion, one is called Verdino del Nord (Tatiana). The source is in parentheses. I discussed this variety earlier in the article.
In Italian, Verdino means green, and del Nord means from the north. At one time, every home in Tuscany had a Verdino tree, so think of Verdino del Nord as Verdino's smaller, more rain-resistant, and equally tasty cousin that’s beloved starting at 100-150 miles north of Florence.
Not only are the names confusing, but they're often mistaken for the same variety due to their similar appearance. I assure you, that each has distinct characteristics. Verdino Toscano, from Tuscany, features a longer neck and shorter stem, while Verdino Del Nord from northern Italy is round with a short neck and a noticeably longer stem. Another distinguishing feature is Verdino Del Nord’s red eye, to Verdino Toscano's non-red eye.
Verdino Del Nord is highly suited to humid climates, with exceptional skin quality that prevents water absorption, helping resist fermentation and mold.
This variety produces two crops per season, ripening early. Though the figs are small initially, they increase in size as the tree ages. The tree is also dense in fig production, with figs forming close together due to numerous smaller leaves.
Figs from this tree dry easily on the tree, with a short hang time that ensures consistent ripening, even during rainy weather.
Verdino Del Nord is known for its intense, berry-like raspberry flavor and jammy texture, with a dark red, ruby-like appearance. Its flavor rivals top fig varieties like Smith and Coll de Dama, with its small size aiding flavor concentration in humid environments.
This fig variety improves with age and may take a few years to reach its best quality. It requires more time to establish due to its natural dwarf habit, but quality improves year after year.
Read more about Verdino del Nord here.
Noire de Bellone aka Barnissotte
Noire de Bellone is a fig variety with French origins made popular by the well-respected French nurseryman and friend, Pierre Baud. It was originally known as the "queen of figs” before the Coll de Damas came into popular cultivation in France.
Noire de Bellone ripens mid-season and demonstrates impressive productivity, with fruits developing on nearly every node. Its flavor profile so far is primarily sugary with subtle fruity notes, and while it lacked a strong berry flavor in 2023, it has a top-tier eating experience. The texture is exquisite with a similar cakey ness to the Coll de Damas.
The Barnissotte variety, grown and imported by UC Davis, adds another layer of interest to the story of Noire de Bellone. Initially believed to be a synonym for the popular commercial fig Bourjassotte Noire, further cultivation by hobbyists disproved this theory. The confusion around Barnissotte's identity and its relation to other fig varieties stems partly from Condit's Monograph, which lists several synonyms and provides a detailed description that aligns more closely with Noire de Bellone than with Bourjassotte Noire. The characteristics described by Condit – from the purplish-black skin with green patches to the light strawberry pulp – are more reflective of Bellone. After comparing them side by side in 2023, I believe Barnissotte and Bellone are synonymous.
To read more about Bellone and Barnissotte, check out the detailed variety review here.
Nin ZS
This fig was found in Nin, Croatia by the collector Michal Hladky, found in the same town as Nin V, also mentioned favorably on this blog. Both of which are spectacular finds. Credit to Michal. These are amazing figs.
In 2023, I noted that Nin ZS has high productivity and should mature during the middle of the fig growing season or earlier, making it suitable for short-season climates.
Its elongated pyriform shape, long stem, and closed eye enable it to shed water better than most fig varieties. The exterior reminds me of a combination of Golden Celeste and Pissalutto. However, the differentiating factor with this variety is its brown sugar spots on its skin– a characteristic commonly observed in figs like Smith, Sucrette, Cul Noir, and many other fig varieties. Although, I’m not sure these are sugar spots. They’re different in appearance and could be a unique skin mutation or variation.
In a taste test featuring numerous figs in 2023, Nin ZS stood out for its impressive flavor and texture, indicating its potential as a high-quality fruit. It’s fruity, densely textured, and unique, and I’m very happy to be growing this variety.
Pernette Noir
Pernette Noir, a fig variety sold by Figaholics in California, initially failed to gain popularity among buyers, leading to its discontinuation. However, its unique elongated shape caught my attention. Its shape, featuring a short stem and a long neck, allows the fig to hang with its eye facing the ground, reducing susceptibility to rain damage during ripening. It has also shown a remarkable ability to repel water, further enhancing its resistance to rain.
Pernette Noire distinguishes itself not only through its shape but also through its ripening process. It has a short hang time, which as I've mentioned many times earlier in this article is beneficial for achieving a higher quality, well-ripened fig more consistently.
Pernette Noire often dries on the tree, especially during hot summer days, taking only 3 or 4 days to shrivel on the tree similar to Campaniere and Teramo. That's exceptional.
My initial concern with Pernette Noir was that it has a strong resemblance to the more common Black Mission fig. Black Mission often disappoints growers with its susceptibility to cracking and poor rain resistance, Pernette Noire is an improvement in its performance, flavor, and texture. The texture is rich and jammy, and although its flavor is more sugary and figgy than intensely berry-like, the slightly bitter skin adds a pleasing complexity like Nerucciolo d'Elba.
To read more about Pernette Noir, click here.
Marseillaise is another fig variety made popular by the well-respected French nurseryman Baud in France. But Marseillaise has been grossly underrated in the United States due to its name. Collectors frequently have mistaken it for a variety called White Marseilles.
The two varieties could not be more different. While both have yellow skin, White Marseilles is a honey fig with white pulp and brown seeds. Marseillaise has a reddish interior, smaller size, different shape, and flavor and texture.
Marseillaise is part of a special trio of fig varieties with Nerucciolo d’Elba and Verdino del Nord. All three are slower-growing dwarf-sized trees with closer node spacing, they produce smaller-sized fruits, and the fruits all ripen consistently at a high quality due to their impressive ease of drying on the tree. Few if any varieties dry better than these.
Marseillaise can split due to its spherical shape. However, in 2023, my Marseillaise tree ripened every fig perfectly without any splitting and at a higher quality due to its small size and great drying capabilities.
In 2023, I detected a potent fruity aroma before eating, and upon tasting, I was greeted with a brown sugar flavor and a standout fruitiness similar to Rossellino and Salce.

This one was introduced by Justin Patten. Lots of credit to him! This turned out to be quite the unknown and unique French variety. I thought it could be similar to another popular French variety called Sucrette, but I was wrong. There's no fig quite like this one.
In 2023, Corio had a very short hang time combined with its enjoyable eating experience was enough to give me a strong enough indicator of performance in humid weather.
Unk Rome
Rome Unk is a unique variety that was initially believed to be synonymous with English Brown Turkey. However, after evaluating it, it's clear that it's unique from other fig varieties. Not only does it possess a desirable skin that resists moisture absorption and has a desirable shape that helps it shed water, but it also has a below-average hang time. I've never encountered a variety like it.
The credit for discovering Rome Unk goes to a grower named Moonlight who found it growing in Rome, which is how the variety got its name. This variety is certainly worthy, however of a real name rather than the town it comes from.
In 2022, I dubbed it one of the best new varieties, and in 2023, it got even better. The eating experience is certainly high quality with a medium berry flavor and overall this fig has a nice profile and texture.
Violette de Bordeaux

I used to think a well-known fig grower from New Jersey was joking when he said Violette de Bordeaux was his favorite fig out of 200 varieties. I laughed it off because it's a common, inexpensive fig that doesn't get much attention.
But now, after years of growing and studying many different fig varieties, I realize he was right. Violette de Bordeaux is a fantastic fig that can grow almost anywhere and has very few downsides.
It's one of 3 varieties that checks ALL of the boxes. Alternatively, if I had to choose only one fig variety, it would be Violette de Bordeaux, Moro de Caneva, or Green Michurinska. They're hardy, early, produce breba, and are rain-resistant. They reliably produce high-quality figs in every climate.
Violette de Bordeaux would have been on this list years ago, but this variety always had problems with mold. Cracking of the skin oddly leads to mold formation at those locations, which ruins the fruit. To prevent this, I usually have to pick the figs early, before they're fully ripe.
When properly ripened, a strong cherry flavor intensifies. However, early-picked Violette de Bordeaux figs can still be quite tasty.
Interestingly, in 2024, the figs from my ground-planted tree didn't crack. I hope this continues. But even if they do crack in the future, I've learned to accept that early harvesting can still produce delicious fruit.
Onto the late-ripening fig varieties.
Please note:
Not all fig varieties are suitable for short growing seasons. While many of the early or mid-season fig varieties listed above can reliably ripen in most locations, these varieties may require more heat units or frost-free days for your location. In Philadelphia, even without container gardening, there's enough time to ripen all of these varieties.
De La Roca
Of the rock is what De la Roca translates to in English. I couldn't think of a cooler name. Coming from Montserrat Pons' collection in Spain, De la Roca was found growing in a garden with frequent irrigation. It's possible that it adapted to more humid conditions over time.
De la Roca possesses a pyriform shape that protects the eye from excessive moisture and water absorption. Like most figs with this shape, splitting is less frequent, but the best standout feature of this fig is its short hang time and ability to dry quickly on the tree.
In 2023, the eating experience of De la Roca reminds one of a well-ripened LSU Tiger, possessing a chewy skin with a fruity and thick pulp. In 2024, it reminded me of a variety called Hivernenca. It has a caramel sweetness from its nectar with a stronger berry flavor that you'll find in other great-tasting fig varieties. The texture was thick, and jammy, and the skin once again had a leathery chewiness when shriveled, a key component of the best fig-eating experience possible.
To read more about De la Roca, check out this comprehensive variety review, here.
Coll de Dama
Particularly Sarda, Mutante, Blanc & Cartagena.
The Coll de Dama figs are my favorite figs to eat. They are a must-grow in every climate if you’re a serious fig hobbyist for their exquisite thick and cakey texture. It’s the closest fig to eating cake or a pastry right off the tree. There is a problem with them, however. They are typically late to ripen, unhealthy, and therefore their productivity is unreliable.
After this realization, I made it a goal of mine to find a better source for Coll de Dama. Whether it had the Coll de Dama name or not, I want that same amazing eating experience in an easier-to-grow and maintain package. I think these four are at least a step in that direction.
And remember, Coll de Dama Blanc, Noire, Roja & Grise all have the same eating experience, but with different growing characteristics and skin color.
Coll de Dama Gegantina is simply a consistently larger Blanc.
Coll de Dama Cuitat is misleading and should not bear the Coll de Dama name. Instead, it falls under the Hivernenca classification.
Coll de Dama Bordisottenca is different as well. It’s a cross between the Coll de Damas and Bordissot.
Coll de Dama Blanca-Negra is a bit of a fig mystery. However, the true Blanca-Negra could match what Grise, Noire & Blanc offer.
Sarda (even though it doesn’t bear the Coll de Dama name) has a very similar eating experience and is under this classification.
Coll de Frare should be similar as well, but it is one that I have yet to have any firsthand experience with.
Coll de Dama Mutante
My friend Rafael introduced and popularized Coll de Dama Mutante in the U.S., but it was originally discovered by Carlos Jimenez Lopez in Spain. Coll de Dama Mutante stands out from all other fig varieties as one of the most striking figs I've ever seen. As a sport of the Coll de Dama Negra variety, Mutante has undergone an interesting mutation. Instead of having striped bark and striped unripe figs like a Rimada fig would, Coll de Dama Mutante shows striping in only its fruits as they ripen leading to a strikingly beautiful harvest.
In 2024, Mutante ripened figs earlier than the other Coll de Damas by about a week and they ripened within a shorter harvest window. I have not noted an improvement in flavor or texture from the other types yet.
Coll de Dama Blanc

Pictured is a 1.5 ft tall Coll de Dama Blanc tree. Seriously impressive production.
This strain of Coll de Dama historically has been my favorite. It's very healthy leading to easier establishment, higher productivity, and easier to maintain trees over the long term. Regardless of the source, however, Blanc is considered the most productive Coll de Dama.
Coll de Dama Cartagena
Coll de Dama Cartagena from Cartagena, Spain is a black-skinned version of the Coll de Damas like Coll de Dama Noire, but there’s a clear difference in health and productivity. I have not noted a difference in flavor or texture yet. This clear winner was introduced by my friend Bass at TreesofJoy.
Sarda comes from Monserrat Pons' collection in Spain, though I received mine from a grower named Yatama who was located in the US before he passed. In 2022, my Sarda tree produced dark-skinned figs as expected. However, in 2023, it produced both dark and yellow-skinned figs on different branches, which led me to wonder if there might be a mutation. To investigate, I separated the rootball, dividing it by the sections that produced each color and labeling each.
In 2024, two of my three Sarda trees produced fruit. To my surprise, all of them were yellow-skinned as one of the trees should have produced dark-skinned figs—a curious fig mystery.
It’s possible my Sarda could be mislabeled as Coll de Dama Blanca Negra instead of being a mutation. Coll de Dama Blanca Negra also originates from Pons' collection and is known to produce both dark and light figs on the same branch.
However, Coll de Dama Blanca Negra has a puzzling history. Other collectors and I have grown it for years, but it doesn’t fully match the description in Pons' book. Instead of the distinctive “neck” found in other Coll de Dama figs, these figs are more flat and round. While the pulp is thick like other Coll de Damas, it also has less berry flavor. Despite these differences, Pons has consistently identified this variety as Coll de Dama Blanca Negra.
I don't know what to think. Time will of course tell, but what I was blown away by is Sarda's flavor. It's more intense and acidic than any other Coll de Dama I can remember eating.
Read more about the Coll de Dama figs here.
Particularly De la Senyora (Hivernenca). In 2024, it was consistently the best-tasting of the 10+ strains I evaluated. The acidity and berry flavor were better.
The Hivernenca category of figs encompasses a range of named fig varieties, often leading to confusion due to the high number of names and subtle distinctions between them. Varieties like De La Senyora (Hivernenca), Lampiera 1, Can Planetes, and others fall under this classification. These variations are partly due to epigenetic differences, where figs adapt to their environments over time, leading to mutations. This results in subtle yet present differences in various strains, despite their genetic similarities.
Pons, a notable figure in the study of these varieties, has detailed their characteristics, noting that while some like La Hivernenca, Coll de Dama Ciutat, and De la Senyora are genetically similar, they are considered distinct due to differences in maturation, size, and shape.
The physical appearance of Hivernenca figs is distinctive, typically elongated with a tendency to crack as they mature. Their color transitions from green-yellow to a mix of brown, purple, and gray. A beautiful aesthetic.
Historically, these figs have been more successful in hotter, drier climates compared to milder regions like the Mediterranean. Hivernenca is certainly the last fig to ripen on this list. They are also known for their high productivity, with fruits often weighing down the branches creating a weeping habit. In 2023, this characteristic was particularly observed in my Lampeira 1 tree.
The eating experience of Hivernenca is a combination of the thick texture found in the Coll de Damas and the berry flavor of Black Madeira. Their taste intensity varies depending on the specific type and ripening conditions, but in ideal climates, they rank among the best-tasting figs.
They’ve made this list because of their quick ripening period, even in cooler fall weather, allowing for the harvest of about 90-95% of the tree's crop given a long enough growing season. Contrasting with Black Madeira, I may only harvest a handful of well-ripened figs each growing season. In humid climates, Hivernenca figs can rival and even surpass Black Madeira in terms of flavor and reliability.
To read more about the Hivernenca figs, check out this detailed article.
Molla Vermella, Joualle Noire, Beat Ramon
Molla Vermella is a part of Monserrat Pons' collection in Spain, standing out for its strong eating experience even when underripe and its unique cake-like texture. It shares many similarities with another Pons variety, called Beat Ramon, and both are similar to another fig called Joualle Noire. Joualle Noire is likely a synonym of either of these two fig varieties. I know that’s a bit confusing, but I wanted to give you all of the information so that you can grow this exquisitely textured fig with confidence. My point is, just choose one of them.
These varieties can maintain taste and quality even when not fully ripe, similar to the Adriatic figs, making them an exceptional choice for humid climates. That being said, if you can get them perfect, you’re in for a real treat. Regardless, the texture is going to wow you even in underripe states. Its internal texture is exceptionally fine, comparable only to the Coll de Dama figs, known for their thick, jammy pulp. This density is akin to pancake batter, offering a natural pastry-like eating experience.
To read more about these fig varieties, check out this comprehensive variety review, here.
Martinenca Blanca
Martinenca Blanca is a part of Monserrat Pons’ collection in Mallorca. However, even though it wears the 'Martinenca' label, don't be fooled. Unlike its similarly named fig varieties, Martinenca and Martinenca Rimada, they have dark skin and thus far also have a different flavor.
But what truly makes the Martinenca Blanca superior? In terms of output, it’s very productive, rivaling heavyweight producers like the Ronde de Bordeaux and Bourjassotte Grise. But it's not just about the numbers.
In the case of Ronde de Bordeaux, I may only harvest 50% of the crop at a high quality. In 2023, it was an amazing producer of over 350 figs, but it was limited by its open eye and sensitivity to rainy conditions. It is however one of the best varieties you can grow in dry and short-season climates.
That’s not the case with Martinenca Blanca. Its hang time is long and the harvest window is also long, but its ability to taste great even when underripe allows us to harvest before rains providing a consistent harvest at high quality giving it the extra bump it needs to be a part of this list. In 2023, it was one of the best figs for cold fall weather late in the growing season.
Read more about Martinenca Blanca here.
Colonel Littman’s Black Cross
Colonel Littman's Black Cross is often compared to the well-known and best-tasting figs called Black Madeira. These two varieties fall under the same type– similar to the earlier discussion revolving around Celeste and Hardy Chicago at the beginning of the article.
Colonel Littman’s Black Cross was found growing in Gainesville Florida and was originally introduced by Just Fruits and Exotics Nursery. Shortly after a well-respected grower named Phil Siebel in northern Georgia quickly recognized its exceptional qualities particularly suitable in humid climates, where it serves as a superior alternative to Black Madeira.
While Black Madeira offers outstanding flavor, it often struggles in rainy conditions. In years past I may only enjoy a handful of well-ripened Black Madeira figs per season. They frequently split! In contrast, Colonel Littman's Black Cross, with its smaller size, earlier ripening date, better-split resistance, shape, and skin quality, will produce higher quality fruit in such environments making it a preferred choice for growers in humid areas due to its better resilience to rain without compromising fruit quality.
A notable challenge with Colonel Littman's Black Cross is its perceived low productivity. As I discussed above, Smith has a very similar issue. These two varieties don’t like excessive pruning more than other fig varieties. I find their balance of hormones is a delicate balance and pruning or lack of pruning is the main way we can keep our fig trees in check. Patience is key with this variety, as an optimal fruit set is typically expected by the third year rather than in the second as you’ll normally see in most fig varieties.
Despite some challenges, Colonel Littman’s Black Cross is the best option we currently have available to enjoy the amazing and must-try eating experience that Black Madeira can offer.
To read more about Black Madeira, check out this comprehensive variety review, here.
De N'Amoros

Coming from Pons' collection in Spain, De N'Amoros is a seedling that I suspected was another Hivernenca strain. In hindsight, I should have known it was not because it was a seedling. However, the figs have a similar exterior (note the cracking and coloration), but they're smaller in size, consistently an oval shape, and taste different. It's late, rain-resistant, split-resistant, and ripens quickly on the tree. They taste great even when harvested early. It's one of the best-performing late varieties I've come across.
The figs taste like Hardy Chicago with a slightly higher acidity. It's quite strange. The skin is different and can get leathery when these dry on the tree.
Figo Roxo
Figo Roxo was introduced by Figagro in Malaysia. I don't know its origin beyond that.
Like De N'Amoros, I suspected it was another Hivernenca fig. Again, I was wrong. The leaves are very similar. However, the fruits are nothing like each other.
Roxo has the perfect shape and size, and the skin doesn't crack leading me to believe the skin should be rain-resistant.
Some collectors have said this fig variety ripens early. I don't see how that's possible.
My favorite trait about this variety is its eating experience. It has an intense and well-balanced berry flavor combined with a very thick texture. Thickness blew me away. It's different but similar to the Coll de Damas.
Salato is a local unknown Italian variety that matches no other. It's not well known even in Italy.
In 2021, I was able to evaluate this variety. Immediately I was impressed and raved about it and others that year on the blog.
You can find that article, here.
Its size, stem, and neck length are similar to Moro de Caneva and Fico Salame, which is a huge plus.
In 2024, the figs ripened a lot later than I would have expected, but they were very tasty. I'm happy to report it has an above-average eating experience.
Final Thoughts
Lastly, I would not be surprised to see these varieties on this list next year:
Bourjassotte Grise
Pel de Bou
Nin V
Irene's Black Greek