Smith Fig | Comprehensive Variety Review
Updated: Jan 6, 2023
I've created a series of blog posts that contain comprehensive information on fig varieties that are what I could consider standards. There are 1000s of fig varieties in existence, but figs like Smith are usually easy to find, they're inexpensive and are a classic fig variety that you ought to know like the back of your hand. Check out the other blog posts on the other varieties I've covered in the variety directory here:
Origin: Croatia
Categorization: Unifera
Similar varieties: Texas BA-1
Taste grouping: Elegant berry
Texture: Jammy
Size: Medium - Small
Ripening period: Mid season
Rain resistance: High
Spoilage resistance: High
Shape: Urceolado / Pyriforme
Hang time: Average
Split resistance: Above average
Growth habit: Erect/Upright
Climate preference: Well adapted
Light requirements: High
Productivity: Below average
Hardiness: Low
Taste rating: 4.7/5
The most credible information I've heard is that Smith originates from Croatia. It somehow made its way to France where the Becnel family picked it up and then brought it to the United States. Over many years they made it a very popular fig in the South through their many nursery sales and to many growers down there it's as popular as Celeste or Brown Turkey.
I can assure you though that it's far superior to Celeste and Brown Turkey in terms of its eating quality. The berry flavor is strong, acidic and exquisite. One bite is all you need to know that the fruit quality is superb.