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Spring Fig Tree Sale Starts Now!

Writer: Ross the Fig BOSSRoss the Fig BOSS

Updated: Jun 28, 2023

I am happy to announce that once again I am selling fig trees. Don't miss this great opportunity to grow this special fruit tree from the most special fig varieties available.

Current availability (5/27/23) - See below for prices and more details on each variety:

  • Sefrawi - Best in zones 6 & 7 planted in the ground

  • Noire de Barbentane - Best in dry climates

  • Moscatel Branco - For dry climates & Italian cultures

  • Lampeira 1 - Well adapted, but prefers a long growing season

  • Improved Celeste - Best in early, cold & humid climates

  • Pissalutto - Well adapted to any location

  • Ischia Black (USDA) - Best in dry climates

  • Dall'Oso (Belfiore) - Well adapted to any location

  • Coll de Dama Mutante - Well adapted, but best in a long & dry growing season Sultane - Well adapted to any location

  • LSU Purple - Well adapted to any location

  • Pastiliere (Siro) - Well adapted, but prefers dry climates

  • Negra d'Agde - Well adapted, but prefers dry climates

  • Constans - Well adapted to any location

It's a great honor to be able to spread the joy of growing figs every year with you all and I can't think of a better way than for you to grow your own fig tree. "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." What they don't tell you is that you need a fishing rod and in this case, you need a fig tree.

As most of you probably know, fig varieties have varying degrees of success based on their growing location. Their fruit quality is greatly affected by the climatic conditions in their final ripening stage. When the fig is turning color, becoming soft, gaining sweetness, and becoming edible, this is when the fig is vulnerable.

If you want fig variety recommendations, read through the descriptions of each fig below, or better yet, don't be afraid to contact me. In your message, include your growing zone, location, annual rainfall, and how you want to grow them.

This is the first sale of the year and I will be selling fig trees periodically throughout the summer and fall. If you're looking for a particular variety and it's not listed below, I don't have it available at this time, but it may be in the future.

How to Order

If you want to place an order, contact me through the Fig Boss contact form, here - Sales will occur on a first come first serve basis and I will update this article to reflect what is still available. I have limited quantities of each variety.

Once I have confirmed availability, I will send you an invoice through Square to your email where you will find a link to checkout with a credit card.

*Remember* I cannot ship your tree(s) without receiving payment first. Please pay in a timely manner or I'll have no choice but to make your order available to other buyers.

Shipping Details

I will be shipping all orders through UPS Ground. UPS offers better rates than the post office for larger and heavier packages and it's typically a quicker service. Please note: I cannot ship to a PO Box through UPS. I will only ship to US addresses.

Postage is $20 minimum per order with an additional $10 of postage per tree. So if you order 1 tree, the shipping charge is $20, and an additional $10 for every additional tree.

What you Will Receive

Each fig tree is in a 1-gallon-sized pot. Below are examples of what you will receive. The trees vary in size. I have limited control in that regard, but I assure you that each tree is healthy, well-rooted, and prime for planting or up-potting. If you have a special request, contact me so that I can determine if an accommodation can be made.

List of Fig Varieties for Sale:

Coll de Dama Mutante - $150

Coll de Dama Mutante is a mutation of Coll de Dama Grise that displays beautiful striping even when ripe. It's a wonderful fig that's in the highest echelon of figs for its amazing texture and overall eating experience. I have limited personal experience with Mutante specifically, but I have 5 trees of it because it's a special specimen within the Coll de Dama family of figs.

The Coll de Damas is a great option for commercial growers, growers in warm and dry climates, and just about everybody who has not grown a fig with the name Coll de Dama. It's that good.

Coll de Dama Gegantina - $150 *SOLD OUT*

Gegantina is similar to the Blanc version of the Coll de Damas, but it's consistently larger. You get the same amazing eating experience but in a larger size. I would recommend this slight variation on the Coll de Damas even more for dry locations.

You can read more about the Coll de Dama figs, here:

Black Madeira - $150 *SOLD OUT*

For those that don't know of this fig, you should remember it. It's probably the most well-regarded variety in fig history. Black Madeira goes by many names and the origin is unclear, but what I do know is that it is found all over Europe and a very well-respected grower in Portugal by the name of Lampo believed that the real name for this fig is Violetta. Or at least that is what he has called it in his country before the USDA imported it to the US and US hobbyists made it popular.

Per the name you should expect that it comes from Madeira. Where exactly in Madeira? That is unclear. Just know that the origin is foggy, but the reputation of this fig is clear. It's one of the best and I believe it has immortalized itself in fig history that many growers will always respect for its taste qualities.

To read the full fig variety review of Black Madeira, check out this article here:

Negrette de Porquorolles - $75 *SOLD OUT*

This variety is very similar to Bourjassotte Noire, which is a commercial fig that's widely grown throughout the world. The eating experience is incredible. It's on the same level as Black Madeira, one of the best-tasting fig varieties. In my yard, this fig shows good rain and split resistance. However, it ripens late in the season and has a long hang time. Highly recommended for dry/hot climates.

Ronde de Bordeaux - $100 *SOLD OUT*

Ronde de Bordeaux by many accounts is an overall top-tier fig variety that's widely adapted to every climate. Sometimes it doesn't get enough love though because it's easy to find and therefore is usually inexpensive, but all serious fig growers know its true value.

It originates from France and translates to Round of Bordeaux. I imagine that it has been growing in the Bordeaux region and other areas of France for quite some time. France and particularly the Bordeaux region really care about their fruits. It's only common sense to think that a fig variety coming from a place like that would be a winner. Now you can find it all over the world. It's even growing commercially in Africa.

Sefrawi - $75

Sefrawi is a fig that my friend Bass Samaan recommends for in-ground plantings in colder zones. He says it has the ability to re-sprout and fruit in one season from total winter dieback. It's a fig similar to White Triana, which is one of my favorites that I'm also trialing in the ground to compare the two.

So far Sefrawi is the hardier tree and has survived the past two winter seasons with very minimal damage. The fruit quality should be right up there with White Triana and I'm excited to learn more about the fruits this season. My tree is looking very promising this 2023 season.

Nerucciolo d'Elba 2 gallon size - $200

Nerucciolo d'Elba is a small Italian fig originating from the island of Elba. It is my second-best fig right behind Verdino del Nord (VR). Those two are a clear step above any other fig I've ever grown. Why? They have some of the highest drying capabilities I have ever seen in a variety. With a very high brix content, no splitting, and very little cracking if any, they can and will dry on the tree here because they're almost indestructible in my humid climate.

What's also shocking about these two varieties is that it doesn't take long before you have a semi-dried fig. Only 6 or 7 days from swelling. That's unheard of. Not only that.. but they taste incredible. They're as good as it gets here. It's also hardy surviving my 6F low this winter. Elba is also early, productive, vigorous, and very easy to root. Lastly, Elba is a known heavy breba producer. This year I'll finally be experiencing breba on two of my in-ground trees.

Pissalutto - $150

Pissalutto is a well-documented Italian variety that can be found all over the world. It's written about in nursery catalogs, Condit's monograph and even depicted in Gallesio's drawings. I can assure you that the flavor rivals and is similar to Smith. Easily one of the best-tasting figs I grow. It's superb and complex.

The shape and stem length is ideal, but minor splitting was observed recently after an inch of rain. The skin I don't believe contributes in a positive or negative way towards water absorption. Hang time is lower than average if desired to pick early. Drying capabilities are unknown, light requirements are low, and therefore production is high. Overall a very special fig worth further study.

Dall'Oso (Belfiore) - $125

This is a fig that Belfiore Nursery in Italy believes to be the original Dall'Oso depicted in Gallesio's drawing. I personally have no idea if that's true, but I value this variety for other reasons. It's a keeper with layered complex flavors. It also has a unique reddish-brown shaded pulp. In 2021, my in-ground tree is maturing and has become quite impressive. I am very much so looking forward to the fruits of this one to see the differences in quality compared to prior seasons.

End of 2021 update: The fig changed quite a bit from prior years. After planting it in the ground, the stem, neck, and shape are very different! Much more impressive now that it has an elongated shape. This fig is a good producer, early, rain resistant, and tastes good to boot. Among my best varieties for sure. I highly recommend it for a wide variety of climates and is 1 of 4 varieties Belfiore Nursery recommends for Northern Italy.

LSU Hollier - $75 *SOLD OUT*

LSU Hollier is quite underrated among hobbyist growers. The flavor profile is somewhat unique. It's like if you took a honey fig and combined it with fruity berry tones. Kind of like a combination between Sultane & Dotatto.

Good rain resistance, early and very hardy. It's also probably the best fig in high-density plantings. The light requirements are super low to set the fruit buds, so it's ideal for those in lower-light environments.

In 2022, the fig has really impressed me further. It produces very high-quality fruits that hold up very well to the rain and they always have a red and berry-flavored interior. I highly recommend it.

Harry's Crete - $75 *SOLD OUT*

Harry's Crete is an Adriatic type fig that is said to be a bit better tasting than others. So far it doesn't taste much different than the other Adriatic-type figs. It seems to be a bit more acidic, lower in sweetness (more well-balanced) with a good berry flavor. The figs also seem slightly larger than the others I've grown.

Noire de Barbentane - $75

This fig is said by Baud in France to be very similar to, but 2 weeks earlier and more rain resistant than Bourjassotte Noire. After seeing Herman2 (a local grower) show success with his Noire de Barbentane planted in the ground in NJ, I decided to follow suit.

It's hardy and rain resistant, but it does ripen late in the season. It's definitely a top-tier fig variety in terms of flavor. It's in the same flavor category as Black Madeira, but it's better for a humid/short-season climate and it's a commercial fig like Bourjassotte Noire & Brogiotto Nero. Well adapted to even triple-digit temperatures. It's one of the few that thrives in it.

Moscatel Branco - $75

Moscatel Branco is a Portuguese fig that is quite similar to Corynth and a strain of Peter's Honey that I am trialing side by side. These 3 I believe will have a good chance of performing well here due to their elongated shape. A much better choice I've noted than Dotatto or Mary Lane Seedless. I am currently trialing all 3 in pots as well as containers to find out.

What I've been impressed by is that Moscatel Branco seems to be earlier ripening than I thought it would be. Dotatto is also deceptively early (actually ripening before any other potted fig this year). Moscatel Branco wasn't far behind in its much less mature state. The texture is quite jammy and I prefer the flavor over all of the honey figs I had this year.

Lampeira 1 - $150

Do not confuse this fig with the San Pedro Lampeira Preta, Lampeira (Prusch), or any of the other figs with the name Lampeira. This one is unique originating from Figues du Monde. I can safely say that it's among the best-tasting figs I've got.

According to a friend of mine that's been growing figs longer than I have that resides in Canada, it's reliable and excellent for him there. According to Thierry, he has told me that it's also one of the hardiest figs he has behind Campaniere.

However, I don't know how great that trait is because it ripens a bit late for most zone 5-7 climates. In fact, I would consider it of a similar style to the Coll de Damas and I imagine it ripens around a similar date. In my quest to find something better than the CDD figs, this one is at the top of the list along with De la Roca & Mutante. Very flavorful dense pulp, prolific with drying capabilities with a skin that actually gets cork tints to it. Called Lampeira on Thierry's blog.

Improved Celeste - $75

Improved Celeste is quite underrated. When dried up, this fig is up there with the best. A dry summer/fall gave me the best crop yet. Although it doesn't need dry conditions. This is one of the best figs even in high moisture. Reliable. Productive. Overall a winner.

White Triana - $100 *SOLD OUT*

This is one of my tastiest, most productive, and most rain-resistant varieties. It's so underrated that it makes me sick to my stomach. This is not a fig for everyone though. You have to have patience. The variety has a long hang time to fully develop its flavor. Here I wait at least 10 days after the swelling begins before picking.

You will be rewarded with a very sweet, surprisingly strong berry flavor that has one of the most pleasant gooey/jammy textures. White Triana is like a mid-season Coll De Dama Blanc. It's quite unique if you want something different than the rest.

Pastiliere (Siro) 2 gallon size - $125

This fig has become one of my favorites. Unfortunately, Pastiliere has a history of dropping fruits. One theory is that it takes a few years to mature. Many folks report that it needs 3 years to stop dropping its main crop. I now personally believe that if the fruits are overly shaded on the branches, the fruits will drop, so maximizing sunlight I feel is critical with this variety. I think of Celeste trees dropping figs in a similar sense.

Whatever the case may be, after some years it eventually becomes one of the most hardiest, earliest, and most reliable figs you can grow. To top it off, it's also one of the most flavorful. In fact, Paolo Belloni has said that if he had to choose one fig, this would be it. This particular source of Pastiliere is originally from an Italian grower named Siro. I haven't noted any dropping from it yet.

Negra d'Agde - $125

Negra d'Adge is a fig getting a lot of high praise recently from highly respected fig growers. It's proving to be an overall fantastic choice that's also very flavorful. I have a few copies of this variety. One is in the ground and it turned out to be quite a productive tree. It's definitely vigorous, healthy, and ripens mid-season. I was very surprised to see how well they handled the rain given their shape. They rarely split. One of the better-tasting figs with some nice acidity/cherry notes.

A word from Galgoni: "Pretty thin and durable skin. From one year to the next the figs have slight variations in shape and color. Weight around 60 g. Sweet and very tasty meat but without the distinctive nuances of a Coll de Dama. Good taste quality, compact and dark red meat. Unlike the Coll de Dama, it withstands storms and humidity very well without deteriorating or exploding. It is earlier than Dama's Neck with a staggered production as well. Ripe figs remain on the tree without falling. Drying on the tree naturally. As dried figs, they are also good enough."

Proscuitto - $100 *SOLD OUT*

One of my favorite Adriatic figs is called Proscuitto. Proscuitto tastes great even when underripe and it also has a short hang time. It dries quicker and more consistently than other Adriatic figs producing a higher quality fruit more consistently. So Proscuitto is what we look for in humid climates. A short hang time, good drying capabilities, and the ability to taste great even when under-ripe.

Godfather - $125 *SOLD OUT*

I really like this fig. It's one of the best new varieties I'm growing. Figgy, caramel-flavored, thickly textured, and jammy. It's a very good sugar fig. I give it a 4.5, but only because of its lack of berry flavors. This fig also seems to perform well because it dries well, has a short hang time, it's quite hardy, and is also early.

Brianzolo Rosso - $75 *SOLD OUT*

Brianzolo Rosso is an Italian fig variety that's still quite rare in the US. It's also one of the earliest varieties available and is a favorite of some short-season growers in Europe. It has a unique eating experience-- caramel-flavored pulp with a very creamy texture. Well worth trialing in shorter-season climates. I have a mature tree planted in the ground and it's primed to produce a ton of main crop and even breba (but I don't think these will hold) in 2023. I am very much so looking forward to the future of this one.

Ischia Black (USDA) - $125

The fruit quality of this variety is superb. Seriously one of the best eating experiences you can have eating a fig. It's also become quite productive since I've grafted it. Ischia Black ripens mid-season, but does tend to split and therefore is a little troublesome here. My in-ground trees are becoming healthier by the year with each rejuvenation pruning, but Ischia Black is the most troubled variety regarding Fig Mosiac Virus. This particular tree I have for sale is quite healthy and won't be a waste of your time.

LSU Purple - $75

LSU Purple is one of the most underrated fig varieties. You're a fool if you don't like this fig and I will no longer trust your fig-tasting reviews. It's not the best by any means, but it's like eating fig jelly combined with melons, mild berries, honey, brown sugar, and cinnamon. The off-putting flavor people have been describing for years comes from the skin. It's a spice flavor that you find in persimmons & Sweet Joy. Personally, I think it adds something special, but if you don't like that flavor, just don't eat the skin.

Skin aside, I have been overly impressed by its other features. It has a very short hang time and therefore it gets perfectly ripe very easily and clearly has strong rain resistance. LSU Purple reminds me of Black Mission because it's similar visually but with better flavor and no berry notes. It's also slightly more interesting than Black Mission and with better performance in humid climates.

Sultane - $75

One of my favorite figs many years ago. Unfortunately, I killed my tree shortly after and I was struggling to replace it. Now I have a large in-ground tree. It's honestly quite underrated. Fruity berry tones that are refreshing and figgy. Productive, mid-season, and very rain resistant. A fig used for commercial production in France. I don't know why this fig doesn't get more attention.

Campaniere - $150 *SOLD OUT*

This fig is always impressive. It can split, but that is its only downfall. When planted and established in the ground I've noted that the occurrence of splitting is almost none. This season, I ripened probably my best-tasting fig from this tree as noted in the local tasting that I did. It has a serious minerality and earthiness when grown in dry soil similar, which is a flavor that Azores Dark also has. Interestingly, this season, it produced a few figs with a red strip down the side. I think this mutation can just randomly occur with this variety as Thierry had shown this on his blog years ago.

Green Michurinska - $150 *SOLD OUT*

This is a local fig that a Bulgarian collector introduced. It flirts between an "Adriatic type" and something else. Some of the Green Michurinska figs I ripen have that awesome intense strawberry/raspberry flavor like the other Adriatic types and others I think don't belong in that category. I'm still not sure where I stand on this front. What I know is that it's one of the best choices for a green-skinned/red interior fig. This variety has high vigor, and a good fruit set, none of them split this year and it even has decent drying capabilities. It's also quite hardy being that the Mother tree is massive in a zone 7 climate and it has survived here. It's overall one of the best figs I grow.

LSU Champagne - $75 *SOLD OUT*

LSU Champagne comes out of the Louisiana State University breeding program. With Celeste's parentage, it handles rain and humidity like a champ... Short hang time. Among the highest in terms of productivity, vigor, and reliability. One of the best honey figs. In my top 3 for that category and perhaps a bit underrated because of its short hang time.

LSU Tiger - $100 *SOLD OUT*

Coming from the LSU breeding program, this so far is the best that was produced. For years I thought that it was simply a 2x larger Celeste, but it's way more than that. The skin is incredible. With its own distinct flavor and texture, the fig reaches a whole new level in terms of the eating experience. I also saw this season considerably less splitting (actually none), very little cracking if any, and pretty much the perfect fig every time.

Black Celeste - $300 *SOLD OUT*

In my opinion, this fig variety is the best tasting among the many Celeste figs. Why? Because the berry flavor is much more intense. It's also quite different, which makes me think about the potential epigenetic differences, or maybe Black Celeste is indeed an entirely different fig genetically.

It's hard to really say without genetic testing. But you can see the difference. You don't really need a genetic test. The pulp and skin are much different in color and with it, the flavor usually follows. There are other observable differences too, but the most that stands out to me is the difference in flavor.

Longue d'Aout - $75 *SOLD OUT*

This is a widely grown fig throughout Europe and the US and for good reason. It withstands moisture, produces breba, and HUGE fruits, and is very tasty. It's also one of the earliest. fastest growing and one the hardiest figs in existence. This one checks most of the boxes. Lingering sweetness.

In 2022, I was very impressed with the flavor. It has a cotton candy sweetness with a stronger berry flavor than most. The figs did not split, but the skin is its one weakness. The skin tends to absorb water quite easily, so it can be difficult in humid places, but they're amazing when you can get them right. Highly recommended for dryer/short-season locations. It's one of the best-tasting fig varieties.

Constans - $75

This fig is originally from Figues du Monde and is called Constans. I have noticed that it's very vigorous and sets fruits in lower light conditions. I originally thought that this fig was a source of Pastiliere that would show epigenetic differences, but recently I saw some photos from another grower that look more like a type of Celeste. The leaves match Pastiliere. Not Celeste. In any case, I ripened two figs in 2022, but the squirrels got to them before I could. I took some photos of the fruits on the tree. Time will tell what this variety brings, but I think it's hardy, and early, and it is even producing breba that could ripen in 2023.

Handling Instructions Upon Receipt

Be present or make arrangements for delivery:

If possible, try to be at home when your plant is scheduled for delivery. If you are unavailable, consider coordinating with a neighbor who can receive the plant and place it in a shaded area until you can tend to it. This helps prevent the box from being exposed to direct sunlight for prolonged periods, which can overheat your trees.

Unbox with care:

Open the box carefully to avoid accidentally damaging the plant. Use a pair of scissors or a box cutter to gently cut through the tape and packaging material. Be cautious not to cut too deep into the box, which may damage the plant inside. Carefully lift the plant out of the box, taking care to support the pot and root system as you do so.

Remove protective materials:

Carefully remove any plastic wrap, tape, or other materials covering the top of the soil. Take your time during this step, as rushing may cause damage to the plant or soil.

Water the plant:

Assess the state of the tree and the soil to determine if you should water the soil to help hydrate it after its journey.

Adjust to local humidity:

Keep in mind that the humidity in your area may differ from that of the seller's location. If you live in a drier climate, your fig tree may require some time to adjust to the lower humidity levels. To help with this adjustment, you can place the plant in a more humid area of your yard or frequently and gently mist the leaves to provide your fig tree with additional humidity.

Gradually increase sunlight exposure:

To avoid shocking your fig tree with sudden exposure to sunlight and causing sunburn, place it in a shaded or partially shaded area for the first day. Over the next few days, gradually increase the amount of sunlight it receives. Start with four hours of light on the second day, then increase to six hours on the third day, and finally, move it to its permanent location with full sun exposure.

Up pot, plant, feed, mulch & water:

I highly recommend up-potting or planting your new fig tree after it is transitioned to your new location. In a 1-gallon-sized pot, there are limited nutrients and water. To see the best results, each tree needs a larger space to grow in.

When up-potting, be careful not to damage the roots. I wouldn't tease them either. Turn the container upside down and gently allow the tree to slide out of the pot holding the rootball. Do not tug on the trunk or stem. Place it in a 3-10g sized container will well-draining soil. Feed and water well and consider adding mulch to the surface.

When planting, select a location that's warm, sunny, and well-draining. Consider creating a 1-2 ft high mound and playing around with other planting depths. Bury 1-4 inches of the trunk below the soil line to ensure winter protection. Mulch, add amendments, and water well after planting.

For specific planting instructions, read this detailed article, here:

If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to ask. Thank you, everyone!

ross raddi_edited.jpg
I'm Ross, the "Fig Boss." A YouTuber educating the world on the wonderful passion of growing fig trees. Apply my experiences to your own fig journey to grow the best tasting food possible.


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