Steps Towards Successfully Growing Quality Figs in Florida
Updated: Jan 25, 2023
Recently someone contacted me asking for my opinion about varieties and input about growing figs in Florida. I'm going, to be honest, it's a very difficult place to grow figs, and my hat's off to whoever can figure it out and ripen high-quality fruit. Having never grown figs in FL, I don't have any first-hand experience, but I can give you courageous and potentially insane Florida fig growers the tools you need or at least the step in the right direction.
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Here was Ed's question proposed to me:
Hello, I am in South Florida. Many varieties won't do well here. I have several of them lol. I looked up all I could find on YouTube and Figdatabase, but still have no idea if either of these would work here (he's referring to Smith and Azores Dark) where there is usually zero or one light frost, but the rains in August, September and early October can be torrential with 100% humidity.
Have you sold either to another South or Central Florida buyers? Any input is appreciated. Thanks, Ed.