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Marseillaise is another fig made popular by the well-respected French nurseryman Baud in France. But Marseillaise has been overshadowed in the United States due to its superficial resemblance to the more prominent and similarly named fig variety called White Marseilles. Yet, the two are vastly different in many respects. While the White Marseilles presents a yellow skin paired with white pulp and brown seeds, the Marseillaise, also yellow-skinned, surprises with a reddish interior, smaller size, and a much different flavor and texture. Marseillaise also possesses a special capability to dry remarkably on the tree even in humid climates, distinct from the White Marseilles.


Instead of focusing on the White Marseilles comparison, I would consider Marseillaise a part of a trio of fig varieties with Nerucciolo d’Elba & Verdino del Nord. All three are slower-growing dwarf-sized trees with closer node spacing, they produce smaller-sized fruits, and the fruits all ripen consistently at a high quality due to their impressive ease of drying on the tree.


There have been observations from other growers that this variety can occasionally split (Baud has also mentioned this), likely due to its spherical shape. In 2023, my Marseillaise tree ripened every fig almost perfectly without any splitting and at a higher quality due to its small size and great drying capabilities.


In 2023, I detected a potent fruity aroma prior to eating, and upon tasting, you will be greeted with a brown sugar flavor and a standout fruitiness echoing other lauded varieties like Rossellino and Salce. Marseillaise is truly impressive in many respects.

Marseillaise Fig Cuttings (3 Cuttings Per Order)

  • Why choosing the right fig variety matters


    Choosing the right fig variety can make all the difference in so many positive or even negative ways. A variety that is well suited to your climate and taste preferences will ensure that your getting the fig experience that you deserve.


    It's heartbreaking when you put years of work into a tree to finally realize that it's just not suited to your location because it will rarely produce high quality figs and in some cases, may never produce fruit that's even edible!


    Fig varieties are very location specific because they're so highly subjected to their environment while they're ripening. Unlike many other fruits, the fig can be destroyed in its final ripening stage. It's a soft fruit that can absorb water into its skin causing cracking, splitting, mold & fermentation all because the inside of the fruit gets exposed to the outside elements of nature.


    An apple has a hard covering. A persimmon has a hard covering. Berries and other soft fleshed fruits are also susceptible to bad weather conditions, but they have a short window of time in which they're soft and ready to be picked. Figs can be soft hanging on the tree for 5, 10 or even 15 days!


    How to choose the right fig variety for your climate


    When choosing a fig variety, it's important to consider the climate in your area during the winter, summer and fall.


    • Some fig varieties are more tolerant of cold weather and others can be grown in climates that have mild summers because of their reliable breba production or their early main crop harvest period.

    • Others are better suited for humid climates because they don't need to hang as long on the tree and they have a skin that acts like a waterproof jacket. The water just slides right off.

    • Others are better suited to warmer climates and have the ability to taste incredible even in 100-110F temperatures.


    If you want fig variety recommendations, read through the description of each fig variety carefully, or better yet, don't be afraid to contact me. In your message, include your growing zone, location, annual rainfall, and how you want to grow them.


    To read more about choosing the right fig variety, click here:


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